RIP Paul

Kerry King on Drummers - Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.


Top 10 games of 2009: Part 6

5. Killzone 2

procliamed as "the greatest FPS ever made", this game has alot to live up to.

and holy shit does it.

Your standard FPS will have a few levels, some nice weaponry, shiny camo guys and fucked up plotlines involving terrorists or russians.

Killzone 2 takes this formula and injects a spoonful of awesome into the mix. Set on a crazy alien homeworld with acid rain and controlable thunderstorms, your pretty much shitting yourself during the intro.

FPS games make their name on how good their combat system is. Killzone prides itself on have one of, if not the, best combat system ever. The shooting is sharp and crisp, everything is at your disposal and allocated to buttons that actually make sense, the aiming isn't heavily retarded and your allies perform like 10th prestige COD players.

Something not common to FPS is graphics, but then i guess most FPS's arn't located on messed up alien homeworlds. Nevertheless, it's truely a sight to behold. Taking advantage of the powers of the mighty PS3, you can blow up aliens in glorious high definition.

the levels are wonderfully crafted to give both suspense, action and horror in equal measures.

overall score: 9/10

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