RIP Paul

Kerry King on Drummers - Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.


The Possibility That Jesus Was An Alien

Firstly, please note this only works assuming Aliens exist, wanted to vist our planet, and havn't totally beat the shit out of our race. It also assumes that they want to help us/guide us.

It also assumes Jesus existed. Sorry Wong.

During the turn of the Millenium (0AD for those unaware), science wasn't exactly at its greatest heights (technically it still isn't today, but you get my point). People still believed in magic and plants that could bring people back to life, slavery and worshiping people with lots of money as Gods.

Along comes Jesus. Given the vast majority of texts that more or less say the same thing and say he did the same sorts of things during his 33 years of life, you can assume that it all came from one source, one entity or event that sparked a mass cult following and resulted in the largest religion in the world. But was it based on the actions of one man who truely was the son of God, or was there an alternate being (or beings), who tried, and succeeded, to influence our infantile civilization.

The likelyhood of Aliens being at a point where they can communicate, conciously make decisions and be technologically capable is an unknown element, but lets assume out of the trillions of trillions of stars, there is one mass of rock which is home to some ancient race of aliens capable of space travel far exceeding our own. For them to have this kind of technology, you can also guess that they will have some other pretty neat stuff.

To insinuate this alien race impersonated a human being, no less one who is proclaimed as the son of our Lord, is a long stretch. But it is a possibility. More than likely they are more or less in the same vein as humanity, curious and overall willing to help someone else in need. To communicate with this planet, given the pathetic technological level at the time, they would have had to resort to a rather primative plan of simply walking amoungst us. Having the technology to enter this planet without someone seeing a fucking huge metal thing flying down would more than likely mean they had the abilites that people ascribe to the miracles of Jesus. Permitting that they only wanted to help us, and not scare us into a mass civil war, solidifys this thought process.

So the miracles of Jesus, walking on water, turning water into wine, curing the sick, the asention into Heaven, are all, if you think about it, in contrast to Space Travel, are simple.

Walking on water - im not well versed in Biology, but i know there are animals that have the ability to distribute their mass so that they can appear to run or walk on water. Technology could shift the aliens mass so that it could too attempt this feat.

Turning water into Wine
- molecular transformations wouldn't be too far of a stretch for an ancient alien race.

Curing the Sick - Think about it, what would be the first thing a highly concious (they want to help our race) intelligent being create, space travel, or technology that can cure disease?

Ascention into Heaven - More of a flutter here, but come on, who doesnt want a bad ass way of returning to their ship? Even Aliens would do it if they had the ability to. Plus it makes for a great and memorable end to their stay, ensuring their message stays with us to the present day.

They must have watched our ancestors, making sure we were ready, or indeed worthy, of their help. Careful planning, understanding our then-culture, would have been key to making this mission sucessful.

The Aliens would have had knowledge of our ways of remembering past people and events, through stories. What makes a stroy memorable? Actions so extrodinary that it seems impossible even today. The "miracles" served a purpose so that the message of peace and harmony within our race would be passed on.

The nature of Humanity, and as proved by numerous stories from this period, is exageration. Just as King Arthur is based upon an early anglo-saxon leader or leaders, So too would the miracles and works of Jesus (or now Alien hybrid Jesus) have been exagerated. Maybe the alien didnt even cover up their tracks, flew in with their spaceship and had it in full view when they beamed up Jesus. The people who witnessed this, having no idea what has just happened, interpreted this as God calling Jesus back into Heaven. Based on the fact that it was a jewish society, they would already have a strong belief in God, and the discovery that Heaven wasn't beyond the skyline was only about 500 years ago.

So there you have it. Jesus, if he existed, could have been an Alien, or the son of God. Maybe both are true. Maybe when we die we go to some other planet where "God" resides, with the guy who we interepted as Jesus sitting around playing Alien Monopoly. We have no clue. We know the affect this entity had on our civilzation though, so in a way, thank you aliens. If you really did come down here and spread the words that would lead to world peace, at least you tried. But we fucked up. Our bad.

Thanks for reading; if you got this far and didn't get bored or pissed off with my shit structuring, and I've probably missed off points i wanted to say.

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