RIP Paul

Kerry King on Drummers - Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.


Theme Song contest: Week 1

my recent FIFA comment has given me an idea for another ...of the week segment.

this could be fun.

ill do a few easy ones to start off with.

I'll do 3 each week, whoever gets the most or gets all 3 the quickest, wins.

to make it even more interesting, one link will contain a rickroll.

Lets begin! (no need to download, its hosted so automatically plays)

EDIT: a reward will be given at the end each 2 months (8 rounds).

also, when you get your answer post the movie/etc and the name given on the audio file, if its correct and your the first to post it in the comment section, you get that point.
1 theme = 1 point
2 themes = 2 points
all 3 = maximum 3 points.


  1. Theme FOur; Pirates of the Caribean
    Theme Two; Harry Potter Main Theme (Piano style)

  2. james gets the point for his (he told me on msn, it counts) - it was the harry potter theme

    Wong gets the point for Pirates of the Caribean

    Game on for the last one!

  3. Its just a hunch but im gonna say the theme for the last one is Dog the Bounty Hunter by Ozzy Osbourne of course.

  4. Correct! one point for conrad!

    and that concludes this week :)

  5. ooh ooh ooh!!! i know!!!....aaaaaaaw, too late. You bastards!!!!
