RIP Paul

Kerry King on Drummers - Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.


Somethings Going On With Avengend Sevenfold

First they pulled out of Soundwave, and now less than 24 hours later they've decided to get rid of Portnoy...

My guess; M. Shadows is a Vampire. Or some sort of mutated Billy Goat who feasts on the blood of humans. The Australian sun would cause him to burst into flames ((vampires hate the sun (that and he would get confused by the mountainous regions in Australia, being a Goat he would wish to return to his natural habitat)), and Mike Portnoy has discovered his secret, and being an outsider of the band, must now be killed.

That or Portnoy's being a tool (or Avenged are having a cry about something) and Soundwave wont let them bring pyro or lasers or pyro lasers onstage.

Either way.