RIP Paul

Kerry King on Drummers - Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.


In An Effort To Totally Outdo Darcie In The Field Of Nerd Music 'Cos Im A Funking Prink Like Dat

For those unware of HORSE The Band, they're the pioneers of the genre "Nintendocore". Work it out for yourself whilst you enjoy Cutsman, with the greatest breakdown ever.

The video is footage from the cult classic "The Wizard". Its pretty much a movie Nintendo made to advertise itself in America, with a little help from the crappiest game accessory ever; the Power Glove.

The movie also spawned the greatest quote in the history of everything; "I love the power glove, its so bad".


  1. Fuck yeah. The Wizard. Im still yet to watch this.

    and fuck yeah, Powerglove!

  2. You prink! How dare you!

    But I don't understand where the Nintendo comes in in the song. I feel like such a n00b.

    With zeros.

  3. Haha- "funking prink".

    (L) Shaun.
