RIP Paul

Kerry King on Drummers - Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.


Top 10 Games of 2009: Part 5

6. Kingdom hearts 358/2 Days

What else can i say about the highest selling franchise in Japan?

Kingdom Hearts is like a comedians Final Fantasy, with cool graphics, awesome gameplay and humor. The latest installment is as good if not better than its main console counterparts, the drawbacks of the DS graphics almost unnoticeable (its been touted as the best game graphically on a DS).

The plot is an "interquel" (never heard it before), but i know the game is based upon events which happened after the first game (KH) and before the second (KH2), so im guessing thats what interquel means. In any case its as rich as the two main games, including an epic battle near the beginning of Lord of the Rings proportions, and its bound to leave you at the end either tearing your hair out or crying in anger, as its almost become a cliche for KH games to end on epic cliffhangers.

the gameplay itself is also being hailed, much more suited towards the main games, with alot easier access of magic and special attacks. If this was on a main console (PS3, Wii, 360) then it wouldn't be on this list at all, but because it has pushed the DS to its absolute limits and produced something of this quality, i can't help but fit it in here somehow. brilliance.

Overall Score: 9/10

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