Kerry King on Drummers -
Joe Nunez couldn't join Slayer because his mother wouldn't let him, Adrian Erlandsson hits his drums like a fag, and Raymond Herrera has no hands.
Ofcourse it did. With Ronaldinho gone, would mean that more pressure on Messi to perform, he relished the challenge, and after the fall of Frank Rikjaard (However spell it), Messi thrived in Guardiola's new formation. Basically, the way that Messi became Mr. Sexy Fuck. Barca had to go through a small transition. and voila. Worlds Best Player.
Ofcourse it did. With Ronaldinho gone, would mean that more pressure on Messi to perform, he relished the challenge, and after the fall of Frank Rikjaard (However spell it), Messi thrived in Guardiola's new formation. Basically, the way that Messi became Mr. Sexy Fuck. Barca had to go through a small transition. and voila. Worlds Best Player.